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Lowering the Multiplayer Matchmaking Queue can help reduce game crashes or performance issues by limiting the number of players or Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Bot Lobbies the complexity of the matches being loaded. Here’s how you can explain this as a temporary workaround in your support ticket:

Lowering the Multiplayer Matchmaking Queue:
Opt for Smaller Match Types:
I’ve found that choosing smaller, more contained match types like Team Deathmatch or Kill Confirmed instead of larger, more resource-intensive modes like Battle Royale or Ground War reduces the frequency of crashes. These modes require less from the game in terms of player models, textures, and dynamic events, leading to fewer performance-related issues.

Quick Play Matches:
Participating in Quick Play matches, which often have fewer players or are quicker to CoD BO6 Bot Lobbies for sale load, has also been effective. In these smaller-scale games, the matchmaking process is faster, and I have experienced fewer crashes compared to the longer loading times of larger lobbies.

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